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- 0969231616
- bvchamcuutrunguong@gmail.com

- What is alcohol and beer addiction?
Alcoholism and beer addiction is a craving that requires frequent drinking of alcohol, forms habits, causes personality disorders, reduces the ability to work and affects health. Alcoholism, beer addiction cause unpredictable damage to all organ systems in the body such as liver, stomach, central nervous system, brain, cardiovascular system, blood pressure.... Many people choose acupuncture to support withdrawal alcohol addiction brings high efficiency, stop drinking quickly, the body is healthy and recovers well.
- Harmful effects of alcohol and beer on alcoholic
Alcohol and beer damage the liver and heart.
Only about 10% of the alcohol is excreted through sweat, breath and urine when using alcohol, the remaining 90% goes directly through the liver. If the frequency is high, the liver will gradually be damaged as it has to work constantly to eliminate toxins. Moreover, drinking continuously for a long time that lead to diseases such as: Arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, myocardial ischaemia, heart failure, blood pressure….
Alcohol and beer cause mental disorders, behavioral control loss.
A lot of alcohol and beer consumption makes health prone to severe mental illness (memory loss, anxiety disorders, insomnia,...). Alcohol and beer are also the causes of brain disorders that cause uncontrollable behaviours such as unsteady walking, slow reactions, more reckless bad actions, etc.
Hormonal changes.
Women who are alcoholism that can weaken the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries, leading to a failure to ovulate and causing menstrual irregularities.
Gout is consequence of alcohol.
Drinking a lot of alcohol, excess alcohol accumulates and inhibits the excretion of uric acid, over time they accumulate in the joints, causing acute gout pain.
Alcohol addiction leads to cancer.
Regular alcohol consumption is a direct cause of cancers of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, colon - rectum and liver.
- Alcohol withdrawal difficulties at home
If drinking alcohol and beer for a long time, you become addicted to alcohol and beer. If you arbitrarily stop drinking alcohol at home, it can lead to "alcohol withdrawal syndrome" - due to the sudden drop in alcohol concentration, which causes unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, aching limbs, sweating, trembling, hallucinations, delirium.
Therefore, many patients with alcoholism do not succeed, although many times they want to detoxify at home.
- Detoxification from alcohol and beer addiction by acupuncture.
The treatment method with electroacupuncture, hydroacupuncture, combined with traditional medicine medicines for treatment results, is highly effective and safe and minimizes the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome.
In there:
Electroacupuncture: has the effect of increasing the level of β-endorphin, if the electroacupuncture method is proper (proper timing, proper regime, proper acupuncture stimulation), then after electroinjection the β-endorphin level in the patient's blood will be higher than in the pre-crisis period, which increases the level of endogenous morphine in the body of addicts. Th
us, it helps to reduce addiction.
Aquapuncture: groups of vitamins B1, B6, B12 help to improve the resistance of patients.
Traditional medicine use: Helps replenish Qi, regulate viscera, aerate the blood to help the patient recover.
Acupuncture treatment against alcohol and beer addiction.
Treatment duration: 15-20 days/course.
After 1 treatment episode, health improved significantly, and the symptoms of alcoholism syndrome disappeared.
For further information/advice please contact: 0243 562 4156 (office hours) or 0912550416.