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After more than one year of receiving intermittent treatment at the Department of Cerebral Palsy of the National Hospital of Acupuncture, a 4-year-old patient, NTT (Ha Dong, Hanoi) could speak, good limb reflexes and cognition, function normally. The paediatric patient actively communicated with family members, doctors and nurses and was able to communicate through actions, recovering 90-95% compared to children of the same age.
In late 2021, a paediatric patient, NTT, was examined at National Hospital of Acupuncture and was diagnosed with paediatric cerebral palsy. When admitted, the patient could not speak or stand up to walk, the grip was weak, consciousness was poor and there was no natural reflex. Previously, she was taken to be examined and treated some medical places, but there was not much improvement.
The patient's grandmother shared: "She was suffocated when was born, so she was slow to turn around and crawl." At the age of two, the family found that she was still unable to walk on her own, had difficulty holding objects and could not speak. The family researched on the internet and found that acupuncture could be a very good treatment for the child's condition. In fact, after a year of treatment, my grandchild was able to walk independently, speak many words, say "I love you", actively hug and kiss, request, refuse and say expressions. The feeling was better in expression, my family was very happy. Now, she still has a slight "M" sound, my family will try to keep treating her so that she can recover in the best manner".
Paediatric patients were treated by a combination of traditional and modern medicine with techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure massage, infrared therapy, hydro-acupuncture and brain tonics. In addition, paediatric patients practice movement, communication directly in the department. The patient NTT now walks safely, has good grip, communicates actively, although some words are still unclear, the patient is healthy and flexible in playing.
According to MMed.Specialist level 2 doctor. Vu Thi Vui - Head of Department of Treatment Children with Cerebral Palsy - National Hospital of Acupuncture: "Brain palsy is a condition caused by non-progressive diffuse brain damage of risk factors, occurs before period of birth, during birth and after birth up to 5 years old, when the child appears signs of being slower than his or her age, such as squirming slowly. The child should be taken to exmination as soon as possible and get treatment so that the child avoids suffering from the symptoms. The National Hospital of Acupuncture treats children with cerebral palsy by traditional medicine combined with modern medicine. Cerebral palsy in children will be more effective with early intervention and rehabilitation, reduce the rate of disability in children."